The Gallery


My name is Simba! My owner loves me! Im busy, get away!

We're Friends! Lets go for a walk My name is Mitzie

My name is molly Finally, Iget to sit in the BIG chair!

Aaawww maannn! back to the floor

There are very few pictures in my gallery at the moment. But Im going to add more as soon as I can.

Lessons from the CATalyze Tribe
Life From A Cats-Eye-View

1)Computer pointers are veryhard to catch.

2)Water is BAD.

3)Batting dry cat food under the refrigerator is a lotof fun.

4)When the vacuum cleaner awakes, wait for the humans to wrestle it back into the closet.

5)If it flies, chase it.

6)Christmas trees are loadedwith playthings.

7)Everything in a pull-top can is not cat food.

8)Despite their appearance, humans are intelligent creatures and can be trained.

9)Reflected light might be a trick - but chase it anyway.

10)Gravity works - even if you're sleeping!

11)Never EVER climb on the kitchen table to smell the roses, apparantly, humans don't enjoy cleaning up glass or replacing vases.

He's shaking his head "yes" because he has experience about climbing on kitchen tables and having his human clean the glass that he accidently tipped over because he wanted to smell the roses.

If you want to visit the "Catalyze Page", go to my sites page for the address.

Click on me if you want to go back to the home page!